Deciphers - World Premiere and Canada Tour Highlights

Deciphers an international collaboration created together by Naishi Wang and Jean Abreu received it's World Premiere at PuSh International Performing Arts Festival in Vancouver, Canada and then went onto tour with 12 performances in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.
The tour received over 1,200 audiences, 5 talkbacks sessions and reviews.
With thanks to the Deciphers team of collaborators, the touring crew, all the partners and venues for all their support. Deciphers is looking for UK and International bookings from Autumn 2025 onwards. Please get in touch if you would like more information about the performance.
Read some of the highlights below.
“The connection between the artists reflects a study in difference and commonality, a kind of measuring of where I have been and where I am going. What’s left is audible breath, expended energy, something very human, with rays of fluorescent light illuminating what remains in that psychic space.”
Philip Szporer, The Dance Current
“Wang and Abreu convey palpable intentionality—a sense of purposeful engagement and intimate awareness. Each fragmented interaction holds the potential for alienation or insight, hovering precariously in-between these possibilities.”
Istvan Dugalin, Theatre Reviewer
“The performance perfectly encapsulates that central theme of “translation”, and it simultaneously embraces and alienates the audience through what Wang and Abreu allow us to understand.”
Zoe Marin, Our Theatre Voice