TikTok video collaboration
Jean Abreu creates choreography for the launch of Fun, the latest single by singer-song writer Samson Ashe

Jean worked with Singer Samson Ashe on this playful TikTok video to celebrate the release of the single, Fun, a nostalgic ode to childhood when everything was just simple and FUN!
Samson Ashe – a singer-songwriter born and raised in London who won hearts with his track ‘Too Rough’ back in 2017. His most recent track ‘Fun’ is a fasttrack journey back to the happy go lucky nostalgia of being a kid in the 90s.
Fun is a nostalgic ode to childhood when things were more simple and there was no price to who you were because nobody cared…I really miss that. Unapologetically I am who I am and I miss and need that fearless kid that grew up in Stamford Hill…his honestly and unfiltered voice.. I hope the vibe’s captured, please enjoy.
Samson Ashe
For this project Jean Abreu worked with dance artists Jemima Brown and Rhys Dennis to create the final video.
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Samson Ashe is represented and managed by Monotreme Records

Jemima Brown is a freelance dance artist and musician based in London, UK. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland where she began dancing at the age of 3 training in Ballet, Irish dancing, Hip-hop and Musical Theatre.
Jemima went on to study at London Contemporary Dance School where she graduated with a First Class BA(Hons) in Contemporary Dance. She has been working professionally for the last five years with extensive experience in contemporary and commercial work.
Rhys Dennis Originally born in London, from a Jamaican & Barbadian heritage. He began dancing at a young age in Hip-Hop and went on to study at conservatoires, Northern School of Contemporary Dance and later graduated from London Contemporary (The Place).
Since graduating, Rhys has co-founded the black-led contemporary dance company FUBUNATION and has been choreographing, curating events and artistic platforms for the company since. He has worked with high profile music artists and was most recently featured in the Disney plus released Beyonce film Black is King.

Music and lyrics Samson Ashe, P*nut, biLLLy and Jean Mark Jean Marie
Produced Samson Ashe, P*nut, biLLLy
Artwork Luke Drozd
Choreography Jean Abreu
Performers Jemima Brown and Rhys Dennis