Another Solo for Two
A site responsive version of Solo for Two

An Other Solo for Two is a site responsive work featuring excerpts from Solo for Two.
The first work premiered as part of the Wonderful World Late event at the Horniman Museum & Gardens to celebrate the newly reopened World Gallery, which explored the transforming nature of human identity across cultures and time. The work has also been performed at Trinity Laban as part of Black History Month and online for Let’s Dance International Frontiers 2021 in collaboration with Serendipity.
This work is a reimagining of Solo for Two and can take place in many different forms, in both indoor, outdoor and online settings.

“Jean Abreu’s spellbinding ‘Solo For Two’ in the packed World Gallery at the Horniman Museum tonight as part of our Shared World Late”
Nick Merriman
“The rhythmic jigging became ecstatic, trance-like. Then the dancers disappeared, leaving the robot alone among the ethnographic displays from around the world.”
Jann Parry Dance Tabs

Image from Horniman Museum and Gardens
Thursday, 19 July 2018
Horniman Museum and Gardens, London UK
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Black History Month, Trinity Laban, London, UK
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Online stream as part of LDIF21 Serendipity Black British Dance Platform
Artistic Director & Choreographer Jean Abreu
Dramaturg Guy Cools
Voice Coach Cathryn Robson
Performers Luna Cenere and Jean Abreu
Digital Artist Michele Panegrossi
Sound Design Luca Biada
Lighting Design Andy Hamer
Costume Design Abdul Hamid
Producer Natalie Richardson, Konzept Arts & Ideas
Marketing Mirjam van der Schoot
Press Martha Oakes PR
An Other Solo for Two was commissioned by the Southbank Centre and Horniman Museum & Gardens. Solo for Two was funded by Arts Council England and supported by Laban Theatre, University of Bath, Swindon Dance and O Espaço do Tempo, Portugal.